by the time i was back to home, my mum was explaining everything to me about these two recruiters. they were both serviced in US Navy. they told my mum how great the Navy was, and it was including the education tuition. of course, i was mad at beginning because i did not want to join any service at all. however, after i heard what my mum told me, i was changed my mind a little bit.
" you know our family is not as rich as other new immigrants. you are 18 years old this year, and going to college soon. the government is cutting the budget, and you know the education fees is very expensive. on the other hand, you mum lost a jobs recently......"
i think that was my first time to think for a long time. yes, we are not rich at all. i don't have money to buy a car, i don't have money to date any girls at schools, and i don't have any extra money to buy the stuff i want, even the basketball shoes. i feel a little bit shame when i am looking into myself from the mirror. all experiences so far in high school i was not happy at all. i don't want to be doing nothing at all and became useless. i want to get a stable income, i want to back to school, and have some extra money to enjoy my life and support to my family.
" may i speak to EM1 Tian?"
i still remember my recruiter's name. at least, we still keep in touch just like an old friend. he was driving to my house, and take me to recruiting station. the first impression about the navy, it was not that bad - nice uniform, professional customer service, and really outstanding military bearings. (of course, although i know that is not all the true about the navy later. i will update in the journal later on) i love the military uniform since i was a kid. somehow it might effect by the hollywood movie. all recruiters were so nice. they tried to explain all the benefits in the navy, and asking me to make a decision. during that moment, all my mind was thinking about was money. i could not explain how excited that moment-- all my thoughts about money. i needed it, i needed to back to college, i did not want to be a loser. and then i was looking around, i just recognized so many new immigrants, they were same situations just liked me. they either could not offer school fees, or needed to support to family. they were from teenager to middle aged. at this moment, i met up one of my best friends in navy, her name was called song. she still remained at active duty nowadays. she was a little bit order than me, and joined the navy almost the same reasons- school and family.
i did remembered the process about the navy was not that funny. woke up so early in the morning, and the recruiter would give me a ride to downtown military station ( MAP) to do the physical and computer examine. one of recruiter was EM1, i forgot his name unfortunately. he was telling me about his story when we were on the way to MAP. he told me that he was the same feeling before he joined the military, and he made a decision to join. he made some money, bought houses, sport cars and had a beautiful girl friend. i was pretty sure that was almost every man's dream in the world. the power of money was getting stronger and forced me to think more about it.
finally, all the process had been finished, and i was invited to a room to swear to service the country. that was my first time to raise my right hand. i have a different feelings this time. some feelings that my future is completed change. it is full of challenges, and might get lost. when i think about the situation now, i believe that is no more other choice i can do so far.
" now everything is all set. congratulation."
after all process, i forgot how many paper work i had been signed up already. the first time career i choose in navy was HM ( Hospital Corpman). of course, i changed it later because of some reasons.
The New product Arriving!
Well, thanks for everyone who is supporting my blog all the time. recently i am very busy for my business. at least i set up a plan eventually. the business is growing gradually, and i hope it can become a good income source eventually.
here is my New product arrival:
This is the Driving Sport Sunglasses. With the new design, it is perfectly for you to drive, or doing other outdoor activities. Please Come to my website to find out more products!
Thanks for reading my journal, i will keep updating! thanks for everyone's support!
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